Dietitian Abroad

Unapologetically Me in 2023

The coming of a new year often gives us pause to reflect. It’s an opportunity to evaluate the alignment of our actions with our values—both personally and professionally.

It can be a time to ask ourselves—are we still passionate about our work or have our actions led us to feel burnt out? Have we built healthy boundaries with patients and colleagues, or do we say “yes” when we mean “no” in an effort to please? Are we in the habit of setting realistic daily expectations? I, for one, am guilty of creating ‘to do’ lists so long I hardly know where to start.

Do What I Say (Not What I Do)

It’s funny how we are trained to take a mindful approach to goal-setting with our clients, yet so easily hold ourselves to unrealistic standards of productivity, expertise, success, and even perfection. We give the advice to implement specific, achievable, and realistic strategies, yet grow frustrated when we’re not overnight experts. Our enthusiasm to help can leave our cup empty.

New Year, New You, Right?

Reflection at the end of the year can also open the door to criticism and self-doubt. It can give rise to the feeling that our accomplishments aren’t enough. We should aspire to do more in 2023. See more patients. Be more productive. Achieve more success. New year, new you, right?

In response, we make overpromising resolutions with little regard to our own wants and needs. We quickly find ourselves believing the myth that every day is a new opportunity to prove our worth. But the truth is that our worth is inherent, not something earned by our hustling.

Let’s Skip the Resolution This Year

This year I won’t be setting any new years’ resolutions. There will be no major professional or personal life changes to commence on January 1st. I don’t aspire to be new or better or improved. I just want to be me. Unapologetically, authentically, me—and I hope you feel the same.