Reflecting on a year of achievement -- Sarah Hormachea: Diabetes Care and Education
Diabetes Care & Education

Reflecting on a Year of Achievement

As the new year approaches, there’s a temptation to eagerly embrace goal-setting in diabetes care and education, planning for the months ahead. It’s easy to quickly forget about our successes and instead pivot towards new hurdles on the horizon, especially if the past year was challenging or disappointing. 

While setting new goals can be a positive and motivating practice, it’s essential to reflect on our achievements. Recognizing and acknowledging these successes, irrespective of their scale, not only bolsters our confidence but provides valuable insights.

The Practice of Reflection

As a diabetes care and education provider, it’s important that we welcome thoughtful reflection to enhance our professional practice. Consider the following before delving into the goal-setting process for the upcoming year:

Celebrate Patient Successes

Take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of the individuals under your care. Recognize both significant milestones and smaller victories in their diabetes management journey. The value of your care extends far beyond your billable services.

Express Gratitude for Collaborative Care

Consider expressing gratitude for the collaborative efforts of your healthcare team, as well as the trust and engagement of your patients. Recognizing positive teamwork and patient-provider relationships contributes to a supportive and effective healthcare environment.

Assess Evolving Professional Values

Reflect on whether your professional values and priorities have evolved. As advancements in diabetes care emerge, consider whether your goals align with current healthcare values and if any adjustments are needed. This ensures that your practice remains aligned with the evolving landscape of diabetes care and education.

Cultivate an Optimistic Approach

Approach the new year with optimism, building on the lessons learned and experiences gained in diabetes care and education. Embrace a positive growth-oriented mindset that encourages both personal and professional growth. 

Holding Space for 2023

By incorporating these reflective practices into our routine, we can enhance our effectiveness as a diabetes care and education providers. In keeping with my sentiment from this time last year— I am in no rush to set ambitious goals for the new year. Instead, I am holding space to celebrate my 2023 achievements. 

Sarah Hormachea: Diabetes Care and Education